
Friday 8 October 2010

Naked Man-Hungry monkey: Samburu National Reserve Kenya

Today: 08/10/2010

What would you do if you found a monkey holding your cup of tea. when you wake up in the morning what you are looking forward to is a nice cup of tea or your favourite morning beverage. Well, this was the case for our guest who had gone camping with her husband in samburu. Most campsites, camps and lodges in kenyan game reserves and national park have resident animals. The friendly ones - not lion, cheetahs or any of the other cats or the fierce wild animals. What we are talking about here are, antelopes, zebras or monkeys.

In our guests case, it was the resident monkey that had decided to pay a courtesy call at the most appropriate time. Having poured herself a cup of tea while the husband was in the bath having a shower, the monkey was at its favourite spot, it is something it has done before it waits patiently for the right moment. This does not take long for the lady goes to the bathroom to check what was taking her husband so long. A small conversation is all the 
monkey requires for it to reach the table and help itself with the cup of tea and some biscuits that had been left on the side plate.

Ohh! you say, what a naughty monkey. You see before the camps, lodges and campsites were put up in the kenya game reserves and national parks these fields used to be their homes. So they decide, why dont we stay and share our land with all these people, so that we eat and drink with them or just help ourselves. 

I can imagine what the monkey thought of while it waited for the opportune moment." were you not informed to zip your tents at all times. but of course you all human beings and unlike us, you guys forget alot.I wish  i did'nt have to do this but at least next time you will surely remember".

Monkeys' do not fear women, lets just say they are sexists. Women cannot even fool them by wearing trousers
they do not fall for that trick. 

Imagine the face of the lady who thought that her sight alone would drive away the monkey just seeing it staring at her with a face that had an impression so as to say " can i help you". With all the might in her she screamed untill four porters and the manager of the camp came running to her rescue. The husband  who might have thought the wife was being attacked by a lion or someother cat, afterall they were in the african jungle, came out of the bathroom naked to her rescue.

I dont know who was worse, the wife or the husband, but i think the wife had survival skills because she got help on the way and fast although the husband scared the monkey to death with his nakedness i don't  think it would have worked for the big cats.

The money took off with the cup and the staff also took off after the sight of a naked man. Our couple got a fresh pot of the best kenyan tea they had ever had.One thing you will not be disappointed with  while on a kenya safari is a unique encounter with nature at its rawest.

Will keep you updated on events from accross the country, masai mara, samburu,tsavo east, tsavo west, amboseli, mombasa, mt kenya.

What do we learn from this experience? 

Even monkeys love a good cup of tea.

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check out some of the sort after safaris and book next year's holiday now and get 10% discount.
 - 7 Days mombasa, nakuru,samburu,masai mara
 - 7 Days complete wilde Escapes
 - 5 Days mt kenya mountain climbing safari

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