
Monday 6 August 2012

The Best Safari Experience in Kenya

Its that time of the year again when people of all walks of life converge in the world's most famous park; Masai Mara to witness what is indeed the best spectacle of the times; the wildebeest annual migration. Anyone planning a Kenyan safari knows better to plan around this time of the year since the season when the wild animals take on their heels.

As you experience this spectacle you cannot fail to admire how nature planned this fascinating African safari trail in Kenya. The trail starts in Tanzania from the Serengeti national park to Mas ai Mara in Kenya. The animals follow the Mara River which acts as a bridge to get them over the other side into Kenya and as a source of life since vegetation along the river is rich and it also supplies them with plenty of water. As the wildebeests go in search of food so do their predators, the lions, cheetah's, crocodiles, vultures,hyena's the lot waiting to enjoy an effortless catch. This is the only time throughout the year when prey comes in easy.

What Makes This Migration Unique?
Imagine having to drive for an hour waiting to spot a lion,cheetah or leopard chasing its prey or waking up very early in the morning in hope of some action either on land or in the water. Some times it takes longer to capture such moments but with the migration the action comes to you, you could taste or even touch it as this African animals enjoy a self service feast. Guaranteed!!

Best Wildlife Photos
With so much action taking place daily on this Kenya African safari you experience the real African jungle. Expect to capture some of the best photo moments that you will live to treasure for many years and share them with friends and family back home. No matter what you do, do not forget your camera,camcorder and binoculars for you will not forgive yourself as I always say, you can only run out of film or storage memory but not the action.

Kenya Holiday Tips
- Do not forget your camera you will not forgive yourself if you do.
- remember to bring your adapter
- carry a fleece since it get a little chilly in the night.
- make sure you carry mosquito repellent

Book you annual migration safari to Kenya and receive 10% off 

Saturday 19 November 2011

Kenyan Tourism on The Rise

New Market for Kenya's Tourism Sector

The Kenyan tourism sector has been shaken by the kidnapping of tourist by militia men from Somali September of this year. The government (Kenyan) has put in place very tight security around the affected areas. 

Despite this shake up in the sector the minister of tourism received a delegation of 180 tourists from Russia who were welcomed in much dancing and jubilation. The gesture goes to show that the Russians are confident of Kenya as a tourist destination of choice.

This will also see weekly direct flights from Russia to Mombasa starting from November 2011. Mombasa is the second largest city in Kenya after Nairobi and many International flights land in the city. Russia is among the latest emerging markets in Kenya's tourism with others such as Iran, China and Poland.
The number of tourist arriving in Kenya has also started to pick up with more and more tourists choosing to ignore travel alert on Kenya.
In a recent development on the same issue, Israel is sending experts to Kenya to help police secure major towns and cities says Israel ambassador Gil Haskel. 

In Lamu where a British couple and a French woman were attacked in September, measures include a military presence on the ground and aerial and naval surveillance, plus an increase in security at hotels.

In the concluded World Travel Market held in London Excel early this month, Kenya launched a new gold guide. Kenya has breathtaking golf grounds in Mombasa and Kenya like the Fairmont Golf Course where the golfers can enjoy a game of golf under the shadow of Mt Kenya. 

The course lies on the Equator,this means that the guests can start their game in the northern hemisphere and end it in the southern hemisphere.The guide will contain comprehensive reviews on Kenya’s 40 golf courses, including factsheets on the individual courses.

This is what David Stogdale, Chairman of KGMA has to say about Kenya as a World class Golf destination: “No other country comes close to offering the same combination of unique wildlife, beautiful beaches, fascinating cultures, and world-class golf.Kenyais unbeatable in every single one of these categories.”

Whether on land, in the skies, at sea, at the peaks of Mt Kenya - Kenya highest mountain and a popular destinations for climber around the world, whether it is the wild animals, the innocent colonies of ants in their ant hills, the elusive leopard or the child sleeping peacefully on the back of her mother's back in the quite village of Masai Mara or the child salvaging for something to eat in Kenya's biggest slum,  there is not a dull moment for the Kenyan tourist.

Monday 3 October 2011

Safari Offers to Kenya for 2012

Free Dinner for Two

Free Dinner for 2 with our 7 day safaris plus many discounted safaris.
Follow this link and find out more.
Offer covers masai mara, samburu, mombasa, tsavo east, tsavo west, amboseli, mt kenya, lake nakuru and many other game and national parks in kenya

5% Off 7 Days Mombasa Beach Holiday - Kenya

Book as a family (2 adults 2children) and get a further £10 off each
offer starts 01/10/2011 and ends on 02/05/2012. 7 days of complete sun and sand.html

Friday 19 November 2010

My Masai Mara Safari Experience

My Masai Mara Safari Experience

It’s a whole different thing hearing about how wonderful a place is and being there... and its another thing to experience it,
I had quite an experience and this is how my safari rolled out. I woke up at around seven(0600hrs), took a quick shower then had breakfast.
At around 0800hrs Timut (my masai tour guide/driver) came to fetch me and my safari began...
We set off half an hour later and since he has had experience and vast knowledge of over 20 years as a tour guide/driver
he knows the wilderness  and its amazing since there are no road signs to guide him as is the case in my county.
Like the paparazi, hungry to catch that shot that stops any wildlife lovers heart, my camera starts clicking, not so far away are some wildebeests and gazelles grazing peacefully. As we moved further into the interior I started seeing the big cats, my first was a family of cheetahs which were catching some shade under a tree. They weren't about to make any kill any time soon so we moved on. The next cats I saw was Simba and his pride. This time there was some action as the pride had made a kill, the lion moved towards the catch chasing off the lionesses and its cubs. It then, facing its pride settled down to its share as the others watched just waiting for their turn.

My safari was turning out to be better than I had imagined because further in were the largest land mammals, the elephants (known as Ndovu in Swahili). They were huge, they could easily overturn our vehicle good thing we stayed a good distance back.
I was getting hungry and I guess Timut(driver/tour guide) heard my stomach grambling so he drove around looking for a safe spot. He parked the vehicle right under a leafy tree, a couple of metres away was a river with some hippos. He took a basket and laid down a mat where he took out our snacks. Who would have thought that we would be having a snack in the Mara with wild animals almost everywhere. So I helped myself to some delicious sandwiches, my guide signalled across the river and I not sure where he was pointing towards rolled my eyes around then they came to a complete stop...he had spotted a lion. My heart was racing and got pretty uneasy, I looked at Timut and he seemed as calm as ever. I settled down as soon as he told me that it wouldn't dare come over as it had to face the hippos first.
  It was getting late and after our snack we started heading for our camp. On our way back I was met with yet another surprise...all day long we had missed this particular cat, the leopard. It is very elusive and shy, if it hadn't moved we could of missed it for the tree provided a very good camouflage.

In all my safari turned out wild...
02/11/2010 Kristine

Friday 8 October 2010

Naked Man-Hungry monkey: Samburu National Reserve Kenya

Today: 08/10/2010

What would you do if you found a monkey holding your cup of tea. when you wake up in the morning what you are looking forward to is a nice cup of tea or your favourite morning beverage. Well, this was the case for our guest who had gone camping with her husband in samburu. Most campsites, camps and lodges in kenyan game reserves and national park have resident animals. The friendly ones - not lion, cheetahs or any of the other cats or the fierce wild animals. What we are talking about here are, antelopes, zebras or monkeys.

In our guests case, it was the resident monkey that had decided to pay a courtesy call at the most appropriate time. Having poured herself a cup of tea while the husband was in the bath having a shower, the monkey was at its favourite spot, it is something it has done before it waits patiently for the right moment. This does not take long for the lady goes to the bathroom to check what was taking her husband so long. A small conversation is all the 
monkey requires for it to reach the table and help itself with the cup of tea and some biscuits that had been left on the side plate.

Ohh! you say, what a naughty monkey. You see before the camps, lodges and campsites were put up in the kenya game reserves and national parks these fields used to be their homes. So they decide, why dont we stay and share our land with all these people, so that we eat and drink with them or just help ourselves. 

I can imagine what the monkey thought of while it waited for the opportune moment." were you not informed to zip your tents at all times. but of course you all human beings and unlike us, you guys forget alot.I wish  i did'nt have to do this but at least next time you will surely remember".

Monkeys' do not fear women, lets just say they are sexists. Women cannot even fool them by wearing trousers
they do not fall for that trick. 

Imagine the face of the lady who thought that her sight alone would drive away the monkey just seeing it staring at her with a face that had an impression so as to say " can i help you". With all the might in her she screamed untill four porters and the manager of the camp came running to her rescue. The husband  who might have thought the wife was being attacked by a lion or someother cat, afterall they were in the african jungle, came out of the bathroom naked to her rescue.

I dont know who was worse, the wife or the husband, but i think the wife had survival skills because she got help on the way and fast although the husband scared the monkey to death with his nakedness i don't  think it would have worked for the big cats.

The money took off with the cup and the staff also took off after the sight of a naked man. Our couple got a fresh pot of the best kenyan tea they had ever had.One thing you will not be disappointed with  while on a kenya safari is a unique encounter with nature at its rawest.

Will keep you updated on events from accross the country, masai mara, samburu,tsavo east, tsavo west, amboseli, mombasa, mt kenya.

What do we learn from this experience? 

Even monkeys love a good cup of tea.

Follow us on:
skype: antsafaris

check out some of the sort after safaris and book next year's holiday now and get 10% discount.
 - 7 Days mombasa, nakuru,samburu,masai mara
 - 7 Days complete wilde Escapes
 - 5 Days mt kenya mountain climbing safari

Publish Post

Monday 4 October 2010

The Most Faithful Spouse in the World (Dik Dik)

The Dik Dik
Hei guys, am back a little late than I thought. As I had promised on the last post,  I will take you into the life of the Dik Dik. The dik dik is in the family of the antelop and it is the smallest of the lot. Dont be fooled by its size because this baby has some quality characteristics that could benefit humankind. You know the phrase "small but mighty", we can say so for this little animal. Not mighty in strength but in character.

The dik dik grows to be 28 inches in length and weighs 7kilos when fully grown. This mini super animals move in pairs and are loyal to each other, opting not to get involved with another should one of them die.Unlike the human race where we run to remarry if one partner dies. 

As for manners, it is well trained and has a particular place that it goes to do a poo(waoh this baby is organised, we could learn some  organisational skill here guys). This is always the same spot so for those guys whose hobby is collecting stuff, this is made quite easy since the stuff is in one place. I am just thinking that one can get the history of this wonderful creatures in one place, from its first poo to the size of their territory.

Talking about the territory, they mark these by using a sticky secreation produced by a gland below their eyes. The dark sticky secreation is inserted to the grass stems and twigs marking the territory with its scent. Since the dik dik is small, long grass endangers its survival in the wilderness and this calls to it moving to a secure place where the grass is short enough. As before it marks its territory and continue with the other traits.

Lessons to be learnt:
1. One partner for life. 
2. Organisational skills.
3. Using own initiative.
4. Love

When on safari to kenya you will spot this incredible animals though they are shy they are a must see treat. Unlike the big five(elephant, rhino, leopard,buffalo and lion) the dik dik is not as famous but it should be in my own opinion for the mere fact of its living qualities.

Trail with us at africa nature trails and safaris where we take you to masai mara, samburu, Mombasa, lake nakuru, mt kenya for your mountain climbing safaris, tsavo east, tsavo west, amboseli, meru and many  more fantastic destinations in  Kenya.

Sort after safaris:
* 1 Day tsavo east excursion: day tsavo east excursion.html
* 4 Days Nairobi -Mt Kenya -Samburu - By Air & Road Days Nairobi -Mt Kenya -Samburu - By Air & Road.html
* 4 Days Tsavo West, Amboseli, Tsavo East - By Road: Days Tsavo West, Amboseli, Tsavo East - By Road.html
* 7 Days mombasa, nakuru, samburu, masai mara days mombasa, nakuru,samburu,masai mara.html
* 3 Days Tsavo East & Amboseli Days Tsavo East and Amboseli by Road.html
* 3 Days Lakes naivasha, nakuru, bogoria, baringo safari days, 2 nights Kenya coast lakes naivasha, nakuru, bogoria, baringo safari.html

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Last Minute Kenya Holiday Tours and Safaris: Africa Nature Trails and Safaris Welcome Note

Last Minute Kenya Holiday Tours and Safaris: Africa Nature Trails and Safaris Welcome Note: "Jambo everyone! I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to my blog. In this blog I will be covering: 1. Kenya travel news..."